CRANKY Right Now

Cranky Right Now
by Julie Berry
illustrated by Holly Hatam
Published by Sounds True
Release date: May 11, 2021
ISBN: 978-1683646648
Your kids are never cranky, are they?
We all have our cranky days. Why not giggle about them?
I'm cranky right now, and I have my reasons.
I'm cranky right now, and I don't want to talk about it.
"Despite the crotchety title, author Julie Berry and illustrator Holly Hatam have created an upbeat book that families will enjoy reading many times over to see themselves reflected in the spirited main character. Their message of finding constructive ways to cope with negative emotions is softened by Cranky Right Now’s cozy portrait of a family that children and adults will find so very compelling. Highly Recommended." - CM
I wrote Cranky Right Now to give kids, parents, families, and teachers a way to talk about cranky times, and especially, a way to laugh about them.
It’s easier to spot the absurdity in someone else’s cranky fit than our own, but the lessons still sink in. It’s easier to cope with others being cranky when we recognize cranky is a thing that happens to us all.
Sometimes simply having that perfect word, “cranky,” in our arsenal helps. When we can recognize, “Hey, I’m not actually deeply upset right now; everything’s more or less okay; I’m just cranky right now, and it will pass,” we’re already halfway home.
So pull on your cranky boots and giggle at the cranky heroine of Cranky Right Now. The strategies she discovers for coping with cranky may help the young people in your life. They may even help you. Not that you have a crankiness problem! Heavens, no. It’s those others around you. They started it…